Radomir Stankovic; Paul Leo Butzer; Ferenc Schipp; William R. Wade; Weiyi Su; Yasushi Endow; Sandor Fridli; Bori Golubov Atlantis Press (Zeger Karssen) (2016) Kovakantinen kirja
Radomir Stankovic; Paul Leo Butzer; Ferenc Schipp; William R. Wade; Weiyi Su; Yasushi Endow; Sandor Fridli; Bori Golubov Atlantis Press (Zeger Karssen) (2016) Kovakantinen kirja
The second volume of the two volumes book is dedicated to various extensions and generalizations of Dyadic (Walsh) analysis and related applications. Considered are dyadic derivatives on Vilenkin groups and various other Abelian and finite non-Abelian groups. Since some important results were developed in former Soviet Union and China, we provide overviews of former work in these countries. Further, we present translations of three papers that were initially published in Chinese. The presentation continues with chapters written by experts in the area presenting discussions of applications of these results in specific tasks in the area of signal processing and system theory. Efficient computing of related differential operators on contemporary hardware, including graphics processing units, is also considered, which makes the methods and techniques of dyadic analysis and generalizations computationally feasible. The volume 2 of the book ends with a chapter presenting open problems pointed out by several experts in the area.