National Research Council; Office of Naval Research West Japan Society of Naval Architects; Division on Engineering and Physical National Academies Press (2003) Pehmeäkantinen kirja 530,80 € |
Twenty-Fourth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics This report is part of a series of reports that summarize this regular event. The report discusses research developments in ship design, construction, and operation in a forum that encouraged both formal and informal discussion of presented papers.
Table of Contents
Front Matter Opening Remarks Microbubbles: Drag Reduction Mechanism and Applicability to Ships Wave Patterns and Minimum Wave Resistance for High Speed Vessels Prediction of High Reynolds Number Flow Around Naval Vessels Frontiers in Experimental Techniques Toward Virtual Reality by Computational Physics Study on the CFD Application for VLCC Hull-Form Design Unsteady RANS Simulation of a Surface Combatant with Roll Motion On the Role Played by Turbulence Closures in Hull Shape Optimatization at Model and Full Scale The Use of a RANS Code in the Design and Analysis of a Naval Combatant Efficient Methods to Compute Steady Ship Viscous Flow with Free Surface Hydrofoil Near-Wake Structure and Dynamics at High Reynolds Number Unstructured Nonlinear Free Surface Simulations for the Fully Appended DTMB Model 5415 Series Hull Including Rotating Propulsors Bow Waves on a Free-Running, Heaving, and/or Pitching Destroyer Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Breaking Waves Past a Submerged Hydrofoil Genesis of Design Wave Groups in Extreme Seas for the Evaluation of Wave/Structure Interaction Direct Numerical Simulation of Surface Tension Dominated and Non-Dominated Breaking Waves Towards the Simulation of Seakeeping and Manoeuvering Based on the Computation of the Free Surface Viscous Ship Flow A 2D+T VOF Fully Coupled Formulation for Calculation of Breaking Free Surface Flow Breaking Waves Generated by a Fast Displacement Ship Model An Experimental and Computational Study of Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flow Features Found Behind a Truncated Cylinder A Finite Amplitude Steady Ship Motion Model Whipping Loads Due to Aft Body Slamming A Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Tandem Offloading System A Spectral-Shell Solution for Viscous Wave-Body Interactions Application of a 3-D Time Domain Panel Method to Ship Seakeeping Problems Water Shipping on a Vessel in Head Waves Nonlinear Green Water Effects on Ship Motions and Structural Loads Complete Cancellation of Ship Waves in a Narrow Shallow Channel Wash Waves Generated by Ships Moving on Fairways of Varying Topography Validation and Application of Chimera RANS Method for Ship-Ship Interactions in Shallow Water and Restricted Waterway Development, Validation, and Application of a Time Domain Seakeeping Method for High-Speed Craft with a Ride Control System A Flow Model for a Displacement-Type Fast Ship with Shallow Draft in Regular Waves Nonlinear Free-Surface Effects on the Resistance and Squat of High-Speed Vessels with a Transom Stern Numerical Simulation of Wakes in a Weakly Stratified Fluid LES of Bubble Dynamics in Wake Flows Propeller Inflow at Full Scale During a Manoeuver An Evaluation of Verification Procedure for CFD Applications Calculations of Flows Over Underwater Appended Bodies with High Resolution ENO Schemes Validation of Numerical Method for Predicting Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a High-Speed Ship High-Incidence and Dynamic Pitch-Up Maneuvering Characteristics of a Prolate Spheroid-CFD Validation Validation of Control-Surface Induced Submarine Maneuvering Simulations Using UNCLE Planing Hull Performance Evaluation Using a General Purpose CFD Code PIV Measurements of the Cross-Flow Wake of a Turning Submarine Model (ONR Body 1) Validation of the Flow Around a Turning Submarine Viscous Roll Predictions of a Circular Cylinder with Bilge Keels Analysis of a Jet-Controlled High-Lift Hydrofoil with a Flop Prediction of Slam Loads on Wedge Section Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Techniques Using Recursive Neural Networks for Blind Predictions of Submarine Maneuvers Scale Effects on Ducted Propellers Hull Vibration Excitation by Propeller Sources: A Link Between Hydrodynamics and Marine Acoustics Experimental and CFD Analysis for Rotor-Stator Interaction of a Waterjet Pump Propeller Wake Analysis Behind a Ship by Stereo PIV Numerical Study on Propulsion by Undulating Motion in Laminar-Turbulent Flow A BEM Technique for the Modeling of Supercavitating and Surface-Piercing Propeller Flows A New Propeller Design Method for the POD Propulsion System Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Cavitation Pattern on a Marine Propeller Prediction of Vortex Cavitation Inception Using Coupled Spherical and Non-Spherical Models and UnRANS Computations Influence of Acoustic Interaction in Noise Generating Cavitation Phase-Average PIV for Surface Combatant in Regular Head Waves Phase-Averaged PTV Measurements of Propeller Wake Quantitative Visualization (QVix) Hydrodynamic Measurement Technique of Multiphase Unsteady Surfaces Computation of Viscous Flow Around Fast Ship Superstructures Tracking Vortices Over Large Distances Using Vorticity Confinement A Panel-Free Method for Time-Domain Analysis Multi Objective Optimization of Ship Hull Form Design by Response Surface Methodology Computational Design Optimization Using RANS List of Attendees