2 Elementary systems on G-manifolds. 292 3 Two elementary systems: The(GxG)-manifold and its subma- fold splitting underdiag(GxG). 293 4 Examples of internal coordinates on(GxG). 297 5 Kronecker products and two-particle state decompositions on(Gx G). 298 6 Fusion of two elementary systems on(GxG). 300 7 Elementary systems on the Poincare-manifold. ' 301 7. 1 Mackey and covariant ?elds. 301 7. 2 From covariant to Mackey ?elds. 302 7. 3 Obstruction of Poincare-manifolds ' by covariant ?elds. 303 8 Relativistic position operators and coordinates. 305 8. 1 Position operators for relativistic Mackey ?elds. 305 8. 2 Position operators for ?elds with spin. 306 9 From Dirac ?elds to Bargmann-Wigner ?elds by fusion. 307 10 Elementary systems in interaction. 309 10. 1 Euclidean invariant interactions. 309 10. 2 Interacting Dirac spinor ?elds. 310 11 Scission of an elementary system. 311 12 Conclusion. 313 13 Appendix. 313 13. 1 A: Orthogonality and completeness of unitary represen- tions. 313 13. 2 B: Parameters, cosets and multiplication rules forSl(2,C). 313 13. 3 C: Observables in the relativistic 2-body system. 314 Propagation in crossed electric and magnetic ?elds 317 T. Kramer, C. Bracher 1 Introduction 317 2 Elastic scattering and quantum sources 318 2. 1 Connection to the propagator 319 2. 2 Currents generated by quantum sources 321 2. 3 Density of States 322 2. 4 Construction of the Green function 322 3 Matter waves in crossed electric and magnetic ?elds 324 3. 1 The quantum propagator 324 3.