Robert Sala Ramos; Eudald Carbonell; Jose Maria Bermudez de Castro; Juan Luis Arsuaga Universidad de Burgos, Servicio de Publicaciones (2014) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
TwentyyearshavegonebysinceJackSokatch?rstpublishedhisoutsta- ingTheBiologyofPseudomonasbackin1986.Thiswasfollowedbytwobooks published by the ASM that contained the presentations of the Pseudomonas meetings held in Chicago in 1989 and Trieste in 1991. The earlier volume of these two was edited by Simon Silver, Al Chakrabarty, Barbara Iglewski, and Sam Kaplan, and the later one by Enrica Galli, Simon Silver, and Bernard Witholt. The time was ripe for a series of books on Pseudomonas because of its importance in human and plant pathogenesis, bio?lms, soil and rhizosphere colonization, etc. Efforts were devoted to produce the ?rst three volumes of the series on the biology of Pseudomonas after a meeting with Kluwer staff members in August 2002 during the XI IUMS conference in Paris (France). In less than a year a group of outstanding scientists in the ?eld, after devoting much of their valuable time, managed to complete their chapters for the three volumes of the series. To ensure the high standard of each chapter, renowned scientists participated in the reviewing process. The three books collected part of the "explosion" of new vital information on the genus Pseudomonas.