The ?rst edition of the International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI) was held in Essex (United Kingdom) in 1993. After the success of this meeting there have been eight more editions that have been hosted by di- rent academic institutions across the world: Alicante (Spain, 1994), Montpellier (France, 1996), Ames, Iowa (USA, 1998), Lisbon (Portugal, 2000), Amsterdam (TheNetherlands,2002),Athens(Greece,2004),Tokyo(Japan,2006)andSaint- Malo (France, 2008). ICGI 2010 was held in Valencia (Spain) during September 13-16. It was organized by the Research Group on Formal Language Theory, Computability and Complexity from the Technical University of Valencia. This was the tenth edition of ICGI, which is a nice number for celebrations. Ten e- tions is a sign of good health for any conference. In the case of Grammatical Inference, it means that the topics, problems and applications of this research areaarealiveand serveasa goodframeworkto study relatedaspectsof arti?cial intelligence, natural language processing, formal language theory, computability and complexity, bioinformatics, pattern recognition, etc. There were two reviews and local discussions among the members of the Program Committee (PC) in order to evaluate every work proposed to the c- ference. This volume contains the texts of 32 papers presented at ICGI 2010. They are divided into two groups of works. There are 18 regular papers (out of 25)and14shortpapers(11outof15,andthreeregularpapersproposedasshort ones). The topics of the papers range from theoretical results about the learning of di?erentformallanguageclasses(regular,context-free,context-sensitive,etc. ) to application papers on bioinformatics, language modelling, software engine- ing, etc.