The co-ordination of regulations in Europe is a process characterized by a huge amount of information in different forms (decisions, regulations, directives, recommendations and opinions), at various stages of consideration. While current developments are debated in the influential media, no coherent overview is offered of the European Community co-ordination efforts as a whole, nor of relationships with other international regulations produced, for example, in the framework of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Such an overview is essential in order to gain a proper understanding of the consequences for the various countries. "Financial Integration in Europe" provides an overview of the core of European and BIS regulations insofar as these have been published in the "Official Journal of the European Communities (OJEC)" and in official BIS documents up to April 1, 1992. This publication covers the liberalization of capital movements in Europe and co-ordination efforts on credit institutions, investment firms, the securities market, undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities, insurance companies and pension funds.