The 8th ACIS/IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information S- ence, held in Shanghai, China on June 1-3 is aimed at bringing together resear- ers and scientist, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers and students to discuss the numerous fields of computer science, and to share ideas and information in a meaningful way. This publication captures just over 20 of the conference's most promising papers, and we impatiently await the important contributions that we know these authors will bring to the field. In chapter 1, Abhijit Mustafi and P. K. Mahanti develop a contrast enhan- ment technique to recover an image within a given area, from a blurred and da- ness specimen, and improve visual quality. The author's results are presented using developed technique on real images, which are hard to be contrasted by other conventional techniques. In chapter 2, Shahid Mumtaz et al. use an ad-hoc behavior in opportunistic - dio, to present how the overall system performance effect in terms of interference and routing. They develop a simulation tool that addresses the goal of analysis and assessment of UMTS TDD opportunistic radio system with ad hoc behavior in coexistence with a UMTS FDD primary cellular network. In chapter 3, Guoqing Zhang et al. propose a novel geocast routing protocol called GRUV for urban VANETs. GRUV adapts to the current network envir- ment by dynamically switching three forwarding approaches which are used to compute forwarding zones. Their simulations show GRUV performance compared with other geocast routing protocols.