"Next Level Strength takes all the power of old school calisthenics and blasts it to a higher level! Just when I think the Kavadlo library of advanced calisthenics cannot possibly be improved upon, they raise the game for everyone else! Next Level Strength is brilliant...make no mistake: this is the ULTIMATE manual on using rings and parallettes as old school calisthenics tools. As I've gotten older I've found myself utilizing the techniques in this awesome book more and more...the result has ALWAYS been the same: old aches and pains vanish, my joints heal, I gain fresh muscle, and I make breakthroughs in total-body strength. If you have seen rings and parallettes in gyms and were wondering how to use them to take your training to the next level quickly and safely, or if you are just looking for new tools to explode your athleticism beyond your old limits, Next Level Strength belongs on your bookshelf! 10/10!" — Paul "Coach" Wade, Author of Convict Conditioning