The Galician Catalogue typologically records Galician tales within the European oral tradition. It orders them under the internationally recognized ATU (Aarne–Thompson–Uther) index system, uses regional catalogues classification, and includes new cataloguing proposals for uncatalogued ethno-texts. Galicia's rich narrative tradition of the past has now practically disappeared, which has led the editor to also index tales of which there is only one version.
The Galician Catalogue is enriched by its subject index, which includes the names of the most frequent themes and motifs, the characters and their actions. The work should be regarded as a model reference on the folktale heritage of Galicia and the areas sharing the Galician language in Asturias, Leon, Zamora and Caceres (Valle de las Ellas). For researchers in International folktales, it will also be an invaluable source of information.
Camiño Noia Campos (Santiago de Compostela, 1945) is Professor emerita at the University of Vigo (Pontevedra). Occupying the Chair of Galician Literature, she has devoted a large part of her research to collecting and transcribing oral folktales. In 2002, Professor Noia published the collection Contos galegos de tradición oral, the basis for the Catálogo tipolóxico do conto galego, published in 2010. The latter includes a complete example tale of each type, using the approach of Julio Camarena and Maxime Chevalier in the Spanish Catalogue, Catálogo tipológico del cuento folklórico español. Noia has also published articles in Galician, Spanish and French on various aspects of Galician oral tales.