Collecting first edition children's picturebooks is one of the hottest areas of book collecting. Many books published in the past decade sell for hundreds of dollars, and a first edition Jumanji or Polar Express can reach over $1000 in today's market. The Children's Picturebook Price Guide provides values for nearly 23,000 books, covering over 700 children's book illustrators dating from 1929 to 2006. The Children's Picturebook Price Guide provides a brief history of the development of the children's picturebook, covering Little Golden Books, Beginner Books, early readers, and today's involved parent. It explains why today is the golden era of picturebooks, with more quality illustrators, writers, and picturebooks than anytime in the past. The Children's Picturebook Price Guide explains how to easily identify first edition picturebooks, and how to assess the six key factors that affect a book's collectibility and value.