The laugh-out-loud story of a 25-year veteran of show business brimming with with honesty, humor and plenty of name-dropping! "You have probably never heard of me. There may be a very slight possibility you recognize my name or maybe my face. But I have no delusions. I've always said, 'I've sky-rocketed to the middle.' It's a very small percentage of those who become famous. But I never really wanted that. I've worked in over forty countries, comedy-toured with some "names," done some television, a few movies, voiceovers, TV/film puppeteering, off-off-take-a-left-turn-off Broadway, producing, directing, writing, coaching, and I only did restaurant and temp work in my late teens. I haven't gotten as far as some, but I've gotten farther than others who have tried to live a show business life. This is a little taste of my attempts to move up the ladder. I hope you like it. These are the highlights of my far." - Michael Paul Ziegfeld