To outsiders, the state of Utah often conjures many unsurprising stereotypes and images: Mormons, polygamy, large families, national parks, and skiing. Is there more to Utah and its residents than these generalizations? Few doubt that the religious institutions in Utah affect the state's quality of life in many ways. But it is equally true that numerous features of the population are steadily and profoundly altering the very nature of Utah and its residents. This book describes the many fundamental demographic, social, and economic pressures that will likely alter the state's path in the future.
Utah's leading social scientists and population-related scholars draw on their specific areas of expertise and analyze Utah's population using recent sources of data such as the 2000 U.S. Census. The chapters are organized into three broad topical sections: the foundations of Utah's population (basic demographics), how the nature of the population affects our daily lives (quality of life issues), and the public policy challenges that will face Utah's leaders (emerging issues).