Comprehensive and highly illustrated, Revisional and Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle is a problem-based guide for both orthopaedic and podiatric foot and ankle surgeons who perform revision surgeries for complications resulting from foot and ankle procedures. Edited by Dr. Thomas Zgonis, author of the well-regarded Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle, along with co-editor Dr. Thomas S. Roukis, this up-to-date reference provides authoritative, easy-to-follow guidance from recognized experts in the field.
Offers complete, problem-based coverage highlighted by numerous high-quality illustrations.
Provides expert guidance on revision surgery for arthrodesis, implants, tendons, revisional Lapidus surgeries, diabetic foot wounds, Charcot midfoot, Charcot hindfoot and ankle, ankle replacements, and more.
Covers elective osseous, soft tissue and nerve foot and ankle revision surgeries with long-term successful outcomes
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