Industry 4.0 systems use various sensor technologies many that include the integration of RFID.
The intent of this book is to provide a sufficient discussion of RFID to enable readers with no prior knowledge to develop a basic understanding of the technology.
RFID for the Supply Chain and Operations Professional discusses current applications and specific examples of RFID usage taken from a variety of industries. The appropriate coupling of RFID with other technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), IIoT technologies and robotics is discussed as well as an overview of the RFID implementation process.
This book will help readers develop an understanding of the capability of the technology to increase an organization's customer responsiveness. In the third edition, the discussion and examples have been updated to reflect the rapid advancement in RFID technology. A new case study and new examples have been added along with updated discussions and projections about RFID technology.