Kregor Mankovitch was determined from the very beginning to succeed and be a rich man irrespective of the circumstances and he was even prepared to murder should anyone stand in his way. He was not aware that the job in the oil field in Novosibirsk, which was imposed on him, would ultimately lead him to the great wealth and fame he dreamt of and that he would be a significant philanthropist in Finland. Kregor Mankovitch brilliantly and masterfully manipulated his boss in the oil field and managed to siphon millions of barrels of crude oil worth tens of millions of dollars without being caught or questioned. It was doubly amazing to sell the oil to existing customers of the oil field and pocket all the proceeds for himself. He became famous by building and donating hospitals, schools, and scholarships to Finland. He also donated hospitals to Denmark and Norway. He was finally honoured by the President of Finland and by Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark.