"The Petite Queen" takes place in The Nation One, ruled by the evil Phecests (the top elite echelon of the Hog Party). They are the surrogate brain of the Craptocrats. They rule the Land under Nick Sameole and his puppet (The Idiot Son). Since in a Royal Story the Dark must be countered with the Light,the reader is presentedwith the Phecests' opposite. Thus to counterbalance the "Mooners," the darksiders (the Nick Sameoles of the world) there is the shining example of the Royal Charming One, the Ebony-and-Ivory Knight. There is also a sweet love story woven from the perspective of the King. The King, much to his royal surprise, becomes blissfully enamored of a beautiful Queen-petite in size, but grand in the Light that she projects. Her name is "Evalucia," because she is innocent and disperses that Light. So, if the readeris not a homo politicus per se,she or he can still enjoy this enchanted royal tale. In Book Two, readers will meet some special and DistinguishedGuests. They will be also taken on a breathtakingJourneytotheParallelKingdom. Poetry is included (free withthepriceofprose). Of Kings and Queens the Royalty is made. You can recognize them when you see them: they are distinguished by class, poise, good manners, thoughtfulness, careful use of language, posture, life interests, warmth and inner beauty. This book is a tribute to Queens and Kings that are amongst us.They demand our respect and attention.All rise!