Life itself has long gone unnoticedin Confucian texts since the Qinand Han dynasties, which is similarto the forgetting of Being, per se, inthe Western philosophy after theAxial Period, according to Heidegger.Today, there is a philosophicalmission to return life to Confucianism,restoring and reconstructingConfucianism in the perspective of acomparison between Confucianismand Husserl's Phenomenology. Theauthor reduces the features of life to the essence of a thing, butreturns to life as the essence of Being. The author rejects theidea of post-philosophy in order to reconstruct the metaphysicaland the post-metaphysical gradations of Confucianism.These gradations are made along three strata in the life ofhuman beings-no-being of anything (a life comprehension),metaphysical thinghood (the absolute Being), and post-metaphysicalthings (the relative beings). In this way we have afull understanding of the idea of Confucianism.