Personality imagery deconstruction is an innovative theory in personality psychology, grounded in Imagery Communication Psychology (ICP). This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the sources of personality imagery, as well as the significance and methods of deconstructing it for practical applications. Inspired by Chinese cultural philosophy, this approach views personality as a system rather than a collection of separate traits. Instead, personality is deconstructed into distinct, independent sub-personalities, each with its own motives, behaviours, and preferences. Through ICP, these sub-personalities emerge in the conscious mind, appearing as individual entities within a broader 'community' of the self. By consciously engaging with each sub-personality, individuals can encourage communication and harmony among them. This process allows for the transformation of negative or stagnant sub-personalities, helping to restore vitality and clarity to the overall personality. In essence, personality imagery deconstruction enables personal growth by transforming the inner dynamics of one's mental life.