New Technology For Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Comprehensive Utilization Systems: Applications for Cold Regions provides step-by-step coverage of innovative areas of solar/photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) hot water and heating systems, covering principles, structure, modeling, experimental testing, operating characteristics and optimization, and economic evaluation. The book begins by discussing the concepts, classification, advantages, and application methods of current solar hot water/heating systems, phase change storage, and connection methods. Several novel systems are investigated and analyzed, with applications in extreme cold and subtropical regions, including tank-type systems, dual-condenser heat pipe systems, heat pipe PV/T-Trombe wall systems, PV/T road heat pump systems, and PV/T-PCM-PEM electrolyzer hydrogen/heating systems.
Finally, other new types of PV/T systems and building design considerations for special climate regions, and perspectives and future directions, are considered. This is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, advanced students, engineers, R&D professionals, and other industrial personnel with an interest in solar photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) technologies, solar energy, built environment, and renewable energy.
- Presents the latest advances in solar photovoltaic/thermal comprehensive utilization systems
- Includes experimental and simulation methods that support further research and application
- Offers examples and analysis of the technologies highlighted, particularly for cold subtropical regions