Renowned defense instructor Dave Young teaches police and military units self-defense and home-defense tactics; his book Howto Defend Your Family and Home puts this long-overdue information into the hands of civilians so they can protect themselves before police arrive on the scene. Learn the psychology of a home invader, how they select targets and what you can do to keep them out. If a stranger knocks at the door, learn what to look for to know if they're a threat and how to guard the entry so they can't get in. If you hear a bump in the night, Dave teaches how to know if it's an invader in your home and exactly what to do to ensure the survival of you and your family members. The book covers mental strength as well as escape tactics, hiding places and physical self-defense tactics if you have to fight the threat. Though guns should be used only as an absolute last resort, many of the book's readers undoubtedly have guns in their homes, so Dave touches on how to use one safely in an intense emotional situation.
With seemingly more violent acts happening around the world and controversial stories of police on the news, more people are choosing to take their safety into their own hands. This book shows them how with tips, tactics, information and 60 photos that teach life-saving defense techniques to the everyday homeowner.