After a golden era of house building in the 1930's, Britain emerged from the Second World War with a desperate need to rebuild its bomb damaged towns and cities. Brighter design, careful planning and what was called 'Townscape' began to replace the traditional character of Victorian housing. The 1951 Festival of Britain was regarded as a tonic to the nation and ushered in modernity in all aspects of living.Now homes were bathed in sunlight and every where was finished in the new materials of vinyl and Formica. DIY was all the rage, and there were novel ideas in interior decor. New technology introduces the housewife to modern gadgets - cookers, vacuum cleaners and fridges.This book is ideal for those who want to learn more about the background to the period - how houses and flats were built and fitted out and the different styles of decoration. For some it may be a nostalgic trip; for others a useful starting point to renovating a period home. Trevor Yorke's numerous diagrams, drawings and photographs enhance an authoritative, but approachable text.