Today's consumer is a centaur: a new hybrid who's mastering the latest technologies, but is still driven by age-old human desires and motivations. "Cyberconsumer" business models ignored human reality: that's why they failed. But "back-to-basics" ignores the deep changes the Internet has wrought. The genie's out of the bottle: your customers have profoundly new expectations -- and you have powerful new tools for delivering on them. Convergence Marketing Strategy illuminates the "centaur," showing what today's customers can do, what they're choosing to do, how they're evolving, and where they're headed. Jerry Wind and Vijay Mahajan identify "5Cs" at the heart of the new consumer relationship: customerization, community, channels, competitive value propositions, and choice tools. You'll discover strategies and tactics for responding right now -- and a complete framework for refocusing processes, structure, people, incentives, and technology to serve the centaur tomorrow.