Long familiar to theologians and theology students, John Howard Yoder (1927-1997) is increasingly recognized as one of the most significant theologians of the later twentieth century. Yoder, hailed as a gifted proponent of Anabaptist social ethics, was also an astute and ecumenically-minded constructive theologian. Preface to Theology, initially developed as seminary course material, is key to understanding Yoder's theology and his ever central commitment to Christology. It provides an introduction to the traditional categories of systematic theology, suggesting Yoder's concern with our posture toward theological study and the importance of viewing this study as a vital, ongoing process. Preface to Theology, introduced by Stanley Hauerwas and Alex Sider, includes updated documentation of Yoder's sources. The approachable, student-friendly format makes this volume, now offically in print for the first time, ideal for both the beginning theology student and the advanced scholar. Readers in all Christian traditions will find it a penetrating introduction to theology; students of Yoder's thought will find it indispensable.