Structural Diversity for Drug Discovery
Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds contains 37,055 mass spectra of organic compounds. The data were acquired from quality control in combinatorial synthesis and cover a wide range of structure classes. The compounds are applied for screening purposes in drug discovery.
Each record contains:
Chemical structure
Chemical name
Molecular formula
Molecular weight (Nominal mass)
Base peak
Measurement condition
Verify Compound Coverage
Labs can freely verify compound coverage at Compound Search.
Exceptional Value
Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds is an exceptional value for labs focused on combinatorial synthesis.
Benchtop/SPC, Excalibur, Finnigan ICIS, Finnigan INCOS, Finnigan Ion-Trap, Finnigan Magnum, Finnigan GCQ, Finnigan SSQ, Finnigan TSQ, Finnigan ITS-40, Fisons VG Masslab, Fisons VG LabBase, Agilent Chemstation , NetCDF, NIST MSSEARCH, PE Turbomass, Shimadzu QP-5000, Varian Saturn