Albanian communities have been in existence in Sicily for over 500 years. Albanians have been living in Sicily since the 15th century. They have preserved their language and and traditions that pre-date the arrival of the Ottomans in the Balkans. This volume is about the descendants of the Albanians who left their Balkan homelands when they were invaded by the Ottoman Turks in the 15th century. Known as the Arbereshe in Sicily and the other parts of Italy where they settled, many of the descendants of these refugees have managed to continue their Albanian traditions, culture, and language whilst integrating harmoniously with their Italian neighbours. In this book, Adam Yamey describes his visit to the Sicilian Arbereshe people and illustrates it with a profusion of fascinating photographs. Combining personal observation with in-depth research, this - at times entertaining, and always informative - personal travelogue is one of only a few books in English about Sicily's Albanians.