Ladder Polymers An essential reference covering the latest research on ladder polymers
Ladder polymers are a unique macromolecular architecture, consisting of a continuous strand of fused rings in their backbones. Such distinctive structures lead to a range of interesting thermal, optical, and electronic properties and self-assembly behaviors, which have been explored for various applications.
The book Ladder Polymers: Synthesis, Properties, Applications, and Perspectives presents a collection of diverse topics in ladder polymers consisting of historical overview, state-of-the-art research and development, and potential future directions, written by leading researchers in the related fields.
The topics include:
Conjugated ladder polymers and graphene nanoribbons
Nonconjugated microporous ladder polymers or polymers of intrinsic microporosity
Covalent double-stranded polymers
Supramolecular double-helical polymers and oligomers
Two dimensional polymers
This book is a one-stop resource on all the critical research developments in the subject of ladder polymers for broad readership including organic, polymer, and physical chemists, materials scientists and engineers, and chemical engineers.