If you're involved in drafting or amending legislation in the Commonwealth or beyond, you need a guide that will help you with both the traditional and modern techniques of drafting good quality statutory law.
Thornton's Legislative Drafting is recognised as the leading professional title in this area, used and referred to by legal officers and drafters internationally.
Completely refreshed and updated, the new fifth edition includes full coverage of contemporary drafting developments and advances.
How will Thornton's Legislative Drafting help you in your work?
Guides you through the five stages of the drafting process;
Guides you through the legislative sentence, the structure of the Act, and the drafting of preliminary, substantive, final, and special provisions;
Provides valuable updates on the drafting of preliminary and final provisions;
Demonstrates contemporary drafting conventions through fresh examples of recent legislatio;n;
Shows developments in their historical context through the use of selected older examples.
The detailed, learned and professional guidance you have been used to in previous editions remains the same, along with examples of best - and bad - practice. The work updates these 'best practice' examples with modern expressions and excerpts from current legislation, from both larger and smaller Commonwealth jurisdictions and the USA - so you can make sure the wording you use is current and contemporary.
Previous edition ISBN: 9781845923532