After 200 millennia of celestial quarantine in the wake of Lucifer's angelic revolt, Earth and the rebel angels isolated here are being welcomed back into the benevolent and caring Multiverse. Writing together with Timothy Wyllie, Georgia - a rebel angel who took on the role of Watcher after the rebellion - provides her personal account of Earth from 16,500 BC to 8,000 BC. Georgia shares her experiences being present for the final disappearance of Lemuria and the loss of their spiritual system. She describes advanced Lemurian technology that was designed for the betterment of the Earth and its people, and was then lost. Detailing the three eras of Atlantis and how the island's final destruction was in 1198 BC, she explains the rise of Atlantis as a technological power. Georgia interweaves her story with observations about Timothy Wyllie's current and previous lives, focusing here on his involvement with the Process Church as well as his experiences with bizarrely orchestrated orgies, psychometrics, and psychedelic culture in Europe in the 1970s.