Literary Fiction is literature that focuses on style, language, and character. It asks readers to pay attention to the way it is constructed and approaches its subjects, regardless of its tone, with serious intent. These novels run the gamut from experimental fiction to comic delights to highly realistic stories that comment on modern times. Commonly, the books place more importance on the who of the story than the what, and readers enjoy engaging with memorable characters that are richly realized and “of themselves.”Drawn from the insights of RA experts Neal Wyatt and Joyce G. Saricks, these grab-and-go pamphlets for readers will help your library’s users find their next favorite book.Beginning with a quick overview of the genre, the pamphlet offers a list of key authors, both past and current, with recommended titles for getting started. It concludes with a list of suggested titles in other genres that will encourage readers to expand their horizons. Designed to fit in commonly sized literature racks, they're also useful tools for your next RA interview. Patrons will be eager to start exploring your library’s collection even before they reach the last page!