The Soul of Taiji introduces the original practice of taijiquan as taught by Zhang Sanfeng, the original creator, to the outside world for the first time, pristinely preserved and complete. It tells the story of Master Wu Baolin and how he came to learn this Daoist taijiquan from Master Du Xinling at the White Cloud Monastery in Beijing. The practice goes back seven generations, starting with Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Wudang branch of the Complete Reality School; it has since continued through Zhang Daishan and other senior lineage holders.
Daoist taijiquan adheres to roundness, the circular symbolizing movement and exercise, and the key to opening the mysterious life gate, onto to a better path, each day fulfilled and joyous. Zhang Sanfeng Taijiquan amongst all forms is unique, practicing in only one singular direction, following the rotation of the earth, the direction of the winds, the turning of the stars, and the shapes of the planets. The universe is vast and unknown, but according to Yijing, the universe itself is round. By observing and practicing Daoist taijiquan, the roundness of the universe is then integrated, the self its reflection, becoming one.
Illustrated by: Oliver Benson