North America has rarely produced a theologian as creative and productive as Robert W. Jenson. A truly ecumenical thinker, Jenson consistently demonstrates the way that the church's confession of the triune God of scripture restructures Christian thinking. Jenson's work on the nature of theology has focused on the category of "promise": a way with language that opens up new possibilities. At the heart of Jenson's theology of the gospel is the conviction that, in Christ, God discloses a word of pure promise to us, enabling new patterns of life. Just as the gospel opens up new ways of living, good theology unfolds into new interpretations and articulations. Engaging Jenson's work across vital areas, this volume lays out the contours and key contributions of Jenson's thought for modern Christology, theological interpretation of Scripture, the doctrine of the Trinity in light of the recent Trinitarian revival, and ecumenical theological relations. This volume gathers together essays by some of contemporary theology's most capable thinkers, such as Oliver Crisp, Stephen Holmes, Joseph Mangina, Peter Leithart, Telford Work, Eugene Rogers, R.
Kendall Soulen, and Peter Ochs, to examine the ways in which Jenson's own theology functions as "promise," enabling further theological visions and articulations.