Best known for his partnership with Raphael, the engraver Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-c. 1534) enabled Renaissance artists to disseminate their designs in print, advancing a revolution in visual communication that still reverberates in our own information age. Yet Marcantonio did more than render compositions by famous artists in the novel medium of engraving. The entries and essays in this catalogue, written by a group of international scholars and published to accompany the first exhibition of Marcantonio's work in over three decades, reveal the diversity of Marcantonio's oeuvre and the scope of his innovation as the leading printmaker of the Italian Renaissance. In-depth studies of Marcantonio's engravings expand our knowledge of his collaboration with Raphael, while also probing Marcantonio's creative response to the dynamic humanist culture in his native Bologna and later in Venice and Rome. Contributions also examine engravings by Marcantonio's 'followers' and consider the importance of his work to the history of print collecting. -- .
Contributions by: Leslie A. Geddes, Lisa Pon, Edward H. Wouk, Henri Zerner, Guido Rebecchini, Kathleen Christian, Paul Joannides, Beverly Louise Brown, Catherine Jenkins