For those of us who would like to know more about the Law of Attraction and its many applications- Charles Fillmore regained his health, started a publishing house and his own radio station - then went on to buy a 1400 acre estate where he built a church which has possibly the largest Christian congregation in the world. All from attending one lecture. Yes, there was a lot of hard work, but wouldn't you like to know his secrets for prosperity and success? Secrets to the Law of Attraction also move in ""mysterious ways."" Charles Fillmore's life is truly a success story for those who wish to follow that "voice within" and achieve their dreams. He and his wife healed themselves of their physical ailments through New Thought teachings. Intrigued by these new teachings, Charles soon began to form his vision of what he would accomplish. He founded the Unity School of Christianity, which has one of the largest congregations worldwide. Get Your Copy Now.