An unusual story of a life long journey of one woman that did not know she had Aspergers until she was twenty-six. This story is about her fight to live, and her fight to help her son and oldest daughter, who have Aspergers. While overcoming severe childhood abuse and neglect, she courageously finishes a degree in Psychology. Her story gives a more in-depth view of the anger, isolation, depression, and suicidal ideation of Asperger Disorder. Personal experiences are given along side clinical aspects of Aspergers. The medical field, mental health field, and school system of America lack the skills and the knowledge to understand Aspergers, as is indicated by real life events outlined in "My Asperger Soul." Aspergers is growing in numbers in the population, and not due to over diagnosis. Yet, we are a disregarded people within the school and work environment. "My Asperger Soul" is about a new language and a new people evolving on the planet.