"This calendar is intended for entertainment purposes only. Don't take it so damned literally." -- Kate E. Richards Announcing the calendar you didn't know you needed! Combining Kate E. Richards's two obsessions--craft cocktails and yes, chickens--Drinking with Chickens is a silly and utterly winning new calendar based on the Instagram sensation that's been featured on HGTV.com, ApartmentTherapy.com, BHG.com, and in Country Living and Saveur magazines, and is the subject of a forthcoming book. The author is a lifestyle influencer who loves to make cocktails in her garden, where she grows the ingredients--and where chickens happen to roam about. The resulting photographs are colorful, unexpected, and disarmingly funny. A chicken celebrating the new year with a champagne tower. A chicken looking with befuddlement at a grasshopper (the drink, not the type it'd actually like to eat). Chickens just being their feathered, goofy, good-natured selves. With beverages. Accompanying the images are a dozen cocktail recipes to mix while in the company of your own chickens--or humans.
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