The formal discipline of practical theology developed largely in Protestant contexts and has recently garnered increasing attention among Catholic academics. Claire Wolfteich, a leading Catholic scholar in the field of practical theology, in this volume gathers significant voices to write on the many aspects to be considered in the study of practical theology. The result is the first text of its kind for professors and students of practical theology wishing to consider it from a Catholic perspective and a much needed core text for use in Catholic graduate programs of ministry and theology.
Claire E. Wolfteich
Kathleen Cahalan and Bryan Froehle
Colleen Griffith
David Tracy
Terrence W. Tilley
Edward Foley
M. Shawn Copeland
Roberto Goizueta
Carmen María Cervantes, Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, and Ken Johnson-Mondragón
Janet K. Ruffing
Julie Hanlon Rubio
Bradford Hinze
Stephen Bevans, SVD
Thomas Groome
Annemie Dillen and Robert Mager