The major religions of the world are no longer in faraway places; they are now in our own neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools. It's vital that we as Christians understand their history, teachings, and traditions so that we are better equipped to relate to them and communicate the gospel message to them.
A great way to build these bridges to other faiths is through "The Popular Encyclopedia of World Religions," This easy?to?read, user?friendly reference work will... explain the origins of each major world religion provide an overview of their key beliefs and practices reveal strategic contact points through which we can find ministry opportunities
As a world traveler who has done religious research in 130 different countries, author Richard Wolff is well qualified to guide readers through the unpredictable and intimidating maze of reaching out to Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and others. This resource will give readers the knowledge, confidence, and direction they seek.