To advance a systems understanding of climate-related security risks in the Central America region, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop titled Climate Security in Central America on May 3-4, 2023. The workshop was held under the auspices of the National Academies Climate Security Roundtable. Over two days, workshop participants considered some of the underlying environmental, social, economic, and political dynamics at play in Central America; they explored indicators and pathways for climate-related security risks in the region; and they considered the available tools for analyzing and forecasting these risks. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Workshop Overview
1 Introduction
2 Climate and Security Challenges in Central America
3 Climate Security Indicators
4 Climate Security Pathways
5 Climate Security Data and Tools
6 Plenary Synthesis Discussions
Appendix A: National Academies Climate Security Roundtable
Appendix B: Conceptual Framework for Climate Security Analysis
Appendix C: Workshop Agenda
Appendix D: Workshop Planning Committee Biographical Sketches
Appendix E: Workshop Speakers Biographical Sketches