Dynamic unbounded medium-structure interactions occur in manyfields of engineering and physical science, such as wavepropagation in soil-structure and fluid-structure interactions,acoustics and electromagnetism and as diffusion in heat conductionand consolidation. This book presents three novel concepts, basedon the finite-element methodology, to model the unboundedmedium:
* The consistent infinitesimal finite-element cell method, aboundary finite-element procedure, requires the discretization ofthe structure-medium interface only and is exact in thefinite-element sense. It is applied to unbounded media governed bythe hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic differentialequations.
* The damping-solvent extraction method permits the analysis of abounded medium only.
* The doubly-asymptotic multi-directional transmitting boundary isexact for the low- and high-frequency limits at preselected wavepropagation directions.
All concepts are explained using simple examples that the readercan follow step by step. A computer program of the consistentinfinitesimal finite-element cell method available on disk analysestwo- and three-dimensional unbounded and bounded media for thescalar and vector wave equations and the diffusion equation in thefrequency and time domains.