The Mindful Diet is the first book to combine health psychology with cutting-edge nutrition research to deliver an up-to-the-minute method for eating mindfully and breaking the yo-yo diet cycle.
Most diets don't address the roots of unhealthy behaviour, and they also can damage self-worth as those trying to lose weight repeatedly cycle through success and relapse. Now, for the first time, two leading experts offer a new concept for eating and health - a step-by-step program that dismantles old patterns, provides new tools for making healthy choices and fosters deep, internal motivation.
Loaded with meditation exercises, behavioural techniques, nutrition advice and meal-planning charts, this book provides the tools to avoid cravings, stop emotional overeating and figure out when you are full.
Lasting weight loss and healthy living begin in the mind: now you can learn how to reprogram your body, make healthy choices, lose weight and keep it off for life.