Although previously considered a way-station on the road to Hegel, F. W.J. von Schelling is today enjoying a renaissance among Continental philosophers andothers. The 14 essays in this engaging volume bring Schelling in tune with suchluminaries as Heidegger, Derrida, Bataille, Foucault, Deleuze, Levinas, and Irigarayand situate him squarely in the center of current themes and discussions in suchtopics as ethical alterity (the other), deep ecology and the question of nature, therelation of aesthetics to nature, the crisis of truth, the possibility ofnon-dialectical philosophy, and the possibility of a philosophical religion.Established scholars and newer voices cast light on Schelling and GermanIdealism.
Contributors are Patrick Burke, Theodore D. George, EikoHanaoka, David Farrell Krell, Joseph P. Lawrence, Benjamin S. Pryor, Stephen DavidRoss, Marcia S Cavalcante Schuback, F. Scott Scribner, Fiona Steinkamp, MartinWallen, Peter Warnek, Jason M. Wirth, and Slavoj Zizek.