"Macmillan Teaching Handbooks" are written for student teachers and practising teachers in primary schools in Africa. The series is designed to meet the pre-service needs of primary teachers in both lower and upper primary, tackling important issues in depth in an attractive, easy-to-use format. The authors make no assumptions, avoid jargon and use clear, simple language. The books provide practical suggestions for how to teach and improve teaching methods. They keep in mind the problems and challenges teachers face in the classroom. There is a general handbook for primary teachers, "Primary Teaching Methods", and books covering the main subjects: English, Science, Mathematics, and Social and Environmental Studies along with some tackling areas of special difficulty: Teaching Reading and Teaching About HIV and AIDS. "Teaching About HIV and AIDS" - this book covers all that the aspiring or busy teacher needs to know to begin teaching about HIV and AIDS.
It provides clear accurate information for the teacher along with activities to encourage reflection and better practice, and suggestions for how to tackle the various aspects of HIV and AIDS education and difficult issues in the classroom.