The opening of this volume finds Wilson with neither the physical strength nor any strong desire to become heavily involved in the coming presidential contest between Cox and Harding. Nevertheless, he cannot remain silent on the single great issue of the campaign--American membership in the League of Nations. Not many people heed Wilson's appeals, however, and on November 2, the voters seemingly repudiate Wilson and all he stands for in a landslide majority for Harding and Coolidge. Meanwhile, Wilson gratefully accepts the decisions of his advisers on domestic affairs, and he generally follows the lead of Bainbridge Colby and Norman Davis on foreign policy, allowing them to draft the necessary correspondence with other governments. However, he maintains daily oversight over the State Department, and makes fundamental policy about the U.S. relationship to the new Soviet regime, Japanese control over the island of Yap, and various issues in Latin American affairs. As the volume ends, Wilson is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1919. With his retirement nearing, the pall of the election results still lies heavily on his circle.
Nevertheless, the apotheosis of Woodrow Wilson has already begun, as personal friends and publicists begin to take stock of the Wilson presidency and legacy.