Take the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 exam with confidence using this highly-effective, money-saving study bundle
This up-to-date self-study program gathers a wide variety of exam-focused resources to use in preparation for the latest edition of the challenging CompTIA Cloud+ exam. CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Bundle (Exam CV0-002) includes two books with supplementary practice exam software and bonus electronic content-all at a discount of 11% off the MSRP. The package shows you how to set up, secure, and manage cloud technologies and infrastructures.
As a course for study, you can first read the CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Study Guide, Second Edition-an in-depth exam review that fully covers every objective for the exam. Then, you can test what you've learned with the more than 600 accurate practice exam questions and in-depth answer explanations featured in CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Practice Exams. Finally, the Total Tester exam engine included with both books provides full-length, timed simulated exams or customized quizzes that target selected chapters or exam objectives.
*Provides 100% coverage of every objective for exam CV0-002*400 additional practice questions provided in Total Tester exam engine*Bonus electronic content includes step-by-step exercises in a Lab Book PDF and digital simulations of performance-based questions*Includes a 10% off the exam voucher-a $28 value