Over 52 million tablet devices were sold during the fourth quarter of 2012 and sales are predicted to continue to increase in years to come. These lightweight mobile computing devices are quickly becoming an integral part of patrons’ everyday lives. Libraries are responding by incorporating them into their programs and services. Using Tablets and App in Libraries outlines how libraries can support this new BYOD (bring your own device) culture including offering app events and instruction, installing mounted tablets within the library, offering tablet lending programs, initiating tablet training programs for staff, and ways to evaluate and use quality apps.
Discover how you can implement a successful tablet program in your library. Through this comprehensive guide, readers will learn:
· How to integrate the potential of tablet technology into existing library programs and staff workflows
·How to Host a Staff Training Technology Petting Zoo
·How to provide tablet support and training for your patrons
·How to use tablets in your story time and other children’s programming
·How to circulate tablets in your library
·How to use tablets to promote library services
·How to use tablets in your physical spaces to provide and gather information
Series edited by: Ellyssa Kroski