Full of amusing anecdotes, stories of lives changed through the MBM music and conference ministry, amazing answers to prayer, and of course adventures with their guide and hearing dogs, this is a joyous celebration of how God has used two ladies to share his love to a broken world.
Being blind, Marilyn's childhood was one of increasing isolation, yet with God's help she went on to use her gift as a musician and songwriter to gain recognition as a Christian artist and start Marilyn Baker Ministries. Tracy also suffered a difficult childhood through deafness and low self-esteem. Yet from these most unlikely of origins, God brought these two remarkable ladies together in the most hilarious fashion and gave them a joint vision to work together to share his love with others.
Through their work in prisons, concerts, retreats, conferences and prayer ministry, they have seen many lives transformed by the power of God's love. Many of those testimonies are included in this book, showing that God is indeed weaving a beautiful tapestry in all our lives. Each individual strand of yarn isn't much in itself, but when woven together an amazing picture emerges as he uses us in our weakness to show the beauty of his love to others.