The Waffen-SS (3) - 11. to 23. Divisions
In the early 1920s, a tiny group was formed within the SA to serve as Hitler's personal bodyguard. Originally labelled the 'Stosstruppe Adolf Hitler,' they later became known as the SS - Schutz Staffeln. From these humble beginnings, the SS rose to the strength of 38 divisions of over 800,000 men by 1945. This third of four titles covers Waffen-SS divisions 11. to 23., many of which were Freiwilligen Divisions - comprised of foreign volunteers fighting alongside German and Volksdeutsche (ethnic German) soldiers. Of these, the most famous is 11. SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland', which fought to the bitter end in Berlin, defending the Reichschancellory and the Fuhrerbunker.
Illustrated by: Stephen Andrew