Neonatal Care provides student midwives, student nurses, nursery nurses and senior health care assistants with a practical and theoretical guide to all aspects of basic neonatal care. All chapters are mapped where appropriate to the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (2004) and the NMC Standards of proficiency for pre-registration midwifery education (2004).
The role of the health care assistant is increasing significantly, particularly in the postnatal care of mother and baby, and there is a requirement for them to develop knowledge and skills to support their developing role. This book will enable HCAs to gain an understanding of basic neonatal care, including the identification of issues that may need to be referred to someone with more advanced skills.
The chapters provide a gradual progression through the types of neonatal services available, the care the neonate may require and why, and the midwife or nurse's role in facilitating neonatal care within the family. There is also consideration of cultural and diversity issues, communication, and legal and professional matters pertinent to caring for the neonate. All chapters have specific learning outcomes and self assessment exercises to enable readers to assess and track their own progress.