The Mexican Government Today was first published in 1957.In spite of the fact that Mexico is our nearest Latin American neighbor and is of substantial importance to the United States politically and commercially, no general treatise on Mexico's government and politics has been available until now. This book, therefore, fills a real need, both for college students of the subject and for businesspeople, foreign service officials, and others who need accurate, up-to-date information about Mexico. As J. Lloyd Mecham, professor of government at the University of Texas, points out, this is "a sound and comprehensive book which will add greatly to our understanding of the Mexican government."Professor Tucker describes all the important aspects of the national government's structure and functions and shows how the Mexican national government resembles and differs from our own. He also discusses the government of the Mexican states, the localities, and the Federal District (which corresponds to our District of Columbia).Broader in scope than most textbooks on the government of a foreign country, the volume includes material on the institutional history and the social and economic life of the country. There are sections of several chapters each on public utilities and public works, agriculture, and social services, as well as an introductory section which sketches the background of the land and its people. In a summary chapter the author evaluates the progress of the Mexican government and society as a developing democracy which borrows important features from other countries and also makes interesting contributions of its own.