In 1958 the Canadian Political Science Association established a committee to look into ways and means of improving statistical research in the Social Sciences in Canada. One of the ways in which the committee thought this could be done was by establishing an annual forum where papers could be presented and discussed. The papers given at the first in 1960 have already appeared, and the second volume contains six of the ten papers given at Sir George Williams University, Montreal, in 1961. The papers are diverse alike in subject and statistical method, but most are concerned with recent population and labour movements.
The papers are: "Regional Aspects of Labour Mobility in Canada, 1956-1959" by H.F. Greenway and G.W. Wheatley; "The Flow of Migration among the Provinces of Canada, 1951-1961" by Yoshiko Kasashara; "La Détermination des zones agricoles sous-marginates" by Gérald Fortin; "Some Calculations Relating to Trends and Fluctuations in the Post-War Canadian Labour Market" by Frank T. Denton; "Inter-Industry Estimates of Canadian Imports, 1949-1958" by T.I. Matuszewski, Paul R. Pitts, and John A. Swayer; and "Population Migration in the Atlantic Provinces" by Kari Levitt.